Every business owner, freelancer, and account manager struggles with accounts receivable at some point during their career. Instead of letting slow-paying customers squeeze your cash flow, learn how seasoned professionals structure their products and services to ensure the till's never empty. During this 90-minute session, you'll learn:
- How to establish pricing and payment plans that prevent your business from falling into the red.
- How to integrate credit cards, factoring, and other financial tools into your business.
- How to set strong boundaries around deposits, retainers, and advance payments.
- How to manage collections calls without wrecking your professional relationships.
Your ticket includes access to a members-only discussion forum where you can ask for accountability, share ideas, and seek support from other attendees.
About Joe Taylor Jr.
Joe Taylor Jr. has covered personal finance and business for over two decades, and now manages the content strategy practice at Philadelphia's 2820 Press. His work has been featured on NPR, CNBC, Financial Times Television, Fox Business, and ABC News. Current clients include Comcast, Curalate, Auphsite Advisory, ITBusinessEdge, and other corporate communications teams across the United States.